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What is Neblic

The purpose of the Neblic platform is to help engineering teams troubleshoot their applications by capturing, analyzing and displaying the exact data contained in the events, transactions, requests and responses that the application is processing.

This new way of troubleshooting is intended to work alongside the famous 3 pillars of observability: Metrics, logs and traces by extending that observability to the actual outputs of an application as it’s just working in real-time.

What’s our story?

Neblic is born out of our experience managing complex software applications that combine data streaming pipelines, 3rd party APIs and microservices at global scale.

In developing for and supporting these applications, we often found that while existing Application Performance Monitoring services were critical in helping us maintain the services, they often weren’t enough to really answer What happened, where and why it happened.

While answering these questions will in most cases require a person with domain knowledge to provide the final touch, Neblic’s vision is to provide the insights and the collaboration space for individuals and teams working on solving some of the most difficult questions in software development and software management.

How we are solving these challenges is by creating an infrastructure to sample application-data from any application in real-time, providing the tooling to manage the data sampling infrastructure, and providing tools to filter through and see this data.

You can get more details on this in our How does Neblic Work section.