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Control Plane Protocol

The Control Plane protocol is implemented on top of gRPC. Samplers and Clients establish bidirectional streaming RPCs connections with the Server.

There are three types of messages:

  • Requests: Can be sent at any time by any party. The sender waits for a response.
    • Registration or configuration requests.
  • Responses: Messages generated as replies to requests.
  • Messages: Can be sent at any time by any party. The receiver does not reply with a response.
    • Stats updates or error notifications.

Each Sampler and Client has an exclusive bidirectional stream, and within that stream, requests are processed sequentially. This means that responses are sent following the order in which requests were received. Messages can be interleaved within requests and responses.

In appendix A, you can find the Protobuf definitions used by the protocol implementation.


graph LR;
    Sampler--Registration Request-->Server
    Server--Registration Response-->Sampler

    Client--Registration Request-->Server
    Server--Registration Response-->Client

After establishing a connection with the server, they start the registration process which consists of:

  1. Samplers and Clients send a registration request containing an id that identifies the current session.
  2. Server replies with a registration response acknowledging their registration.

The registration request is the first message that the server expects after a new connection is established. Other messages are ignored until the registration process completes.


The connection initiator automatically attempts to reestablish the connection creating a new stream if it is terminated for any reason, including network disconnects and any type of unhandled error. The registration process will need to start again.

Given that the registration request includes a session id, the Server is capable of resuming the session. For example, it may determine that there is no need to send the configuration to the Sampler again after a reconnection.


Sampler -> Server

  • Registration

Server -> Sampler

  • Configuration

Client -> Server

  • Registration
  • List samplers
  • Sampler configuration


Sampler -> Server

  • Stats update

Server -> Client

  • Sampler stats update

Appendix A: Protobuf definitions

syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";

import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

/** common **/

message Status {
  enum Type {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    OK = 1;
    BAD_REQUEST = 2;
  Type type = 1;
  string error_message = 2;

message SamplingRule {
  enum Language {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    CEL = 1;
  string uid = 1;
  Language language = 2;
  string rule = 3;

message SamplingRate {
  // limit determines the maximum number of exported samples per second.
  // -1 means no exported samples limit
  // 0 means no samples will be exported
  int64 limit = 1;
  // burst sets the allowed sample burst
  int64 burst = 2;

// Only the fields that are present are updated. If a field is present,
// the previous value is replaced by the new one.
message SamplerConfig {
  repeated SamplingRule sampling_rules = 1;
  SamplingRate sampling_rate = 2;

message SamplerSamplingStats {
  uint64 samples_evaluated = 1;
  uint64 samples_exported = 2;

message Schema {
  enum Type {
    NATIVE = 1;
    PROTOBUF = 2;
  Type type = 1;
  google.protobuf.Any schema = 2;

message Sampler {
  // User-friendly and user-defined name to identify a Sampler. 
  string name = 1;
  // Defines the Sampler resource where it has been defined.
  // Multiple samplers can have the same name and resource but will hav edifferent uids.
  // e.g. multiple replicas of the same service will define multiple times the same sampler with different uids.
  string resource = 3;
  // Identifies a unique Sampler,
  string uid = 2;
  // Sampler schema information.
  Schema schema = 4;
  // The Sampler configuration,
  SamplerConfig config = 5;
  // Statistics related to the Sampler sampling.
  SamplerSamplingStats sampling_stats = 6;

/** service **/

message SamplerToServer {
  google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
  string sampler_uid = 2;
  oneof Message {
    // Messages
    SamplerStatsMsg sampler_stats_msg = 3;
    // Requests
        SamplerRegisterReq register_req = 4;
    // Responses
    SamplerConfRes conf_res = 5;

message ServerToSampler {
  google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
  string server_uid = 2;
  oneof Message {
    // Responses
        SamplerRegisterRes register_res = 3;
    // Requests
    SamplerConfReq conf_req = 4;

message ClientToServer {
  google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
  string client_uid = 2;
  oneof Message {
    // Requests
    ClientRegisterReq register_req = 3;
    ClientListSamplersReq list_samplers_req = 4;
    ClientSamplerConfReq sampler_conf_req = 5;

message ServerToClient {
  google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
  string server_uid = 2;
  oneof Message {
    // Messages
    ClientSamplerStatsMsg sampler_stats_msg = 3;
    // Responses
    ClientRegisterRes register_res = 4;
    ClientListSamplersRes list_samplers_res = 5;
    ClientSamplerConfRes sampler_conf_res = 6;

service ControlPlane {
  rpc SamplerConn(stream SamplerToServer) returns (stream ServerToSampler);
  rpc ClientConn(stream ClientToServer) returns (stream ServerToClient);

/** sampler messages **/

// stats

message SamplerStatsMsg {
  SamplerSamplingStats sampling_stats = 2;

// register

message SamplerRegisterReq {
  string sampler_name = 1;
  string resource = 2;
  map<string, string> tags = 3;

message SamplerRegisterRes {
    Status status = 1;

// configure sampling rules

message SamplerConfReq {
  // The Sampler configuration.
  SamplerConfig sampler_config = 1;

message SamplerConfRes {
  Status status = 1;

/** client messages **/

// stats

message ClientSamplerStats {
  string sampler_uid = 1;
  SamplerSamplingStats sampling_stats = 2;

message ClientSamplerStatsMsg {
  repeated ClientSamplerStats sampler_stats = 1;

// register

message ClientRegisterReq {
  map<string, string> tags = 1;

message ClientRegisterRes {
    Status status = 1;

// list samplers

message ClientListSamplersReq {

message ClientListSamplersRes {
    Status status = 1;
  repeated Sampler samplers = 2;

// configure sampling list

message ClientSamplingRuleUpdate {
  enum Op {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    UPSERT = 1;
    DELETE = 2;

  Op op = 1;
  SamplingRule sampling_rule = 2;

message ClientSamplerConfigUpdate {
  repeated ClientSamplingRuleUpdate sampling_rule_updates = 1;
  SamplingRate sampling_rate = 2;

message ClientSamplerConfReq {
  // Name of the Samplers to configure. All samplers with the provided name will receive this configuration.
  // It is a mandatory field.
  string sampler_name = 1;
  // Name of the resource where the sampler is defined
  string sampler_resource = 2;
  // If sampler_uid is set, only the sampler with the specified uid will be configured.
  string sampler_uid = 3;
  // The Sampler configuration update.
  ClientSamplerConfigUpdate sampler_config_update = 4;

message ClientSamplerConfRes {
  Status status = 1;