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Neblic Kafka Sampler


By default, kafka-sampler will look for a config file at /etc/neblic/kafka-sampler/config.yaml.

All the options defined in the configuration file can be configured/overridden using environment variables. The environment variable name will be written in all caps and using _ to divide nested objects. For example, to configure the Kafka server URL you would need to use the env variable KAFKA_SERVERS.

verbose: true

# optional: Topic list refresh period. In each refresh it will create/delete `Samplers` based on the cluster existing topics
# reconcileperiod: 1m

# Kafka related options
  # required: Kafka bootstrap addresses, format "url1:port,url2:port".
  servers: kafka:9092

  # optional: consumer group that the Kafka consumers will use
  # consumergroup: kafkasampler

  # all lowercase and nested structs divided with `_`
  # sarama:  (...)

  # optional: if unset, it will create a Sampler per each topic found in the Kafka cluster
  # topicfilter: 
  #   allowlist:
  #   denylist:

# Neblic related options
  # optional: `Sampler` resource name set to created `Samplers` 
  # resourcename: kafka-sampler

  # optional: `Control Plane` server address
  # controlserveraddr: localhost:8899

  # optional: `Data Plane` server address
  # dataserveraddrL localhost:4317

  # optional: `Sampler` update stats period option
  # updatestatsperiod: 15s