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Shows all the available commands


Lists elements: Samplers, Resources, or Sampling Rules. For example, list samplers shows the list of registered samplers.

create/update/delete rule

Allows the definition and modification of Sampling Rules. For example: create rule <resource_name> <sampler_name> <sampling_rule> (sampling rule as a CEL expression) creates a new Sampling Rule on the specified Sampler.

create/update/delete rate

Create/update and delete sampling rates. This configuration limits how many samples can be exported. For example: create rate <resource> <sampler> <samples_per_second>

Using wildcards

In commands where a <sampler> or a <resource> is set, the special character * can be used to match all the entries. For example:

  • list rules * *: It shows the rules for all resources and Samplers
  • list rules * sampler1: It shows the rules for the resources that have a sampler1 sampler
  • list rules resource1 *: It shows all the rules of all the samplers of resource1 resource