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Sampling Rules

Sampling Rules are defined using Google Common Expression Language (CEL). The language syntax is defined here. And you can find a list of definitions (operators, functions, and constants) here (some functions and complex operators may not be supported).

The Data Sample contents are available under the sample key scope. This page provides some examples to get you started:

CEL expression Description
true Matches all Data Samples. Useful when you don't know how the data looks like or if you just want to export everything != "" True if the field id is defined == "some_id" && sample.val == 1 You can use boolean expression like && or || to concatenate expressions
sample.val1 > 0 Numeric values can be compared
sample.val1 * sample.val2 > 10 Arithmetic operations are supported
(sample.val1 || sample.val2) && sample.val3 Use parenthesis to specify operator precedence