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Configure Samplers using neblictl

The neblictl command connects with the Neblic Control Plane server and allows its user to get information and configure all the Samplers in the system.


You can download a precompiled binary on the releases page. If you want to build it go install won't work because its go.mod has replace directives, so you need to clone the entire platform repository and build it in the neblictl folder.

It is also bundled with the otelcol container image that Neblic distributes so you can run it from inside the container.


Connect to the Control Plane server

On first use, it will initialize a configuration file at the path returned by this function. You will only need to manually edit this file for some advanced usages (e.g. connecting to a Control Plane server that uses Bearer authentication, see next section).

You will need to provide the address and port of the Control Plane server (default localhost:8899) to use it.

neblictl -host localhost -control-port 8899

Neblictl provides an interactive client with auto-completion and built-in help where you will be able to enter commands once connected.


If authentication is enabled in the Control Plane server, you will need to set a Bearer token:

  • Run neblictl init to create the configuration file if necessary and show its path.
  • Open the configuration file and set the desired token value in the Token field.

Configure a Sampler

Before continuing, it's useful to understand the concepts defined in this page.

The format of the commands is namespace:command. Run the command help to see all of them and their commnds. The 4 main namespaces are:

  • sampler: Configures options at the sampler level. This means they affect all streams defined in the sampler. For example, you can configure a maximum amount of samples processed or exported.
  • streams: Creates a pipeline of data containing a subset of the Data Samples. On creation, you will need to provide a rule that filters the Data Samples that will be part of that Stream.
  • digests: Enables and configures Digests. On creation, a Digest requires a target Stream.
  • events: Configure the generation of Events. Similarly to Digests they require a target Stream and additionally, they require a rule that determines when has occurred the Event.


See the neblictl reference page to see all the available commands.