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Rules are used to define Streams and to generate Events. Both share the same syntax altough they have different function sets available. They are defined using the Google Common Expression Language (CEL).

The language syntax is defined here and the the list of supported operators and functions common to Streams and Events is defined in here. The table below shows the additional functions that Neblic defines:

Neblic defined function Description Stateful Context Keyed
abs(<v>) Returns the absolut value of v. The input can be a double, or an int No streams, events false
now() Returns current time in the collector as a timestamp No streams, events false
sequence(<v>, <order>) Returns true or false depending on if v is part of a ordered sequence or not. order can be asc or desc Yes events true
complete(<v>, <step>) Returns ture or false depening of in v is part of a complete sequence or not. A sequence is complete if all the values are ordered and there is no missing value. step contains the distance between each two consecutive values Yes events true


CEL expression Description
true Matches all Data Samples. Useful when creating Streams and you just want to select all Data Samples != "" True if the field id is defined == "some_id" && sample.val == 1 You can use boolean expression like && or || to concatenate expressions
sample.val1 > 0 Numeric values can be compared
sample.val1 * sample.val2 > 10 Arithmetic operations are supported
(sample.val1 || sample.val2) && sample.val3 Use parenthesis to specify operator precedence
!sequence(sample.time, "asc") Matches all the values that are not part of the sequence
!complete(sample.time, "asc") Matches all the values that are not part of a complete sequence